Special Education Acronyms
The Special Education field is filled with lots of acronyms.
Here’s a list to help you out.
ABA-Applied Behavioral Analysis
ADA-Americans with Disabilities Act
AE-Age Equivalent
ALJ-Administrative Law Judge
APA-Alternate Proficient Assessment
APE-Adapted Physical Education
AT-Assistive Technology
BIP-Behavioral Intervention Plan
CI-Communication Impaired
CM-Case Manager
DD-Developmentally Disabled
DLM-Dynamic Learning Maps
ED-Emotionally Disturbed
ESY-Extended School Year
FAPE-Free Appropriate Public Education
FBA-Functional Behavioral Assessment
GE-Grade Equivalent
ID-Intellectually Disabled (usually paired with Mild, Moderate, or Severe)
IEP-Individualized Education Program
IQ-Intelligence Quotient
LEA-Local Educational Agency (local school district)
LRE-Least Restrictive Environment
MD-Multiply Disabled
NJAC-New Jersey Administrative Code
NOS-Not Otherwise Specified
OAL-Office of Administrative Law
OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
ODD-Oppositional Defiance Disorder
OHI-Other Health Impaired
OT-Occupational Therapy
PDD-Pervasive Developmental Disorder
PLAAFP-Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance
PRISE-Parental Rights in Special Education
PT-Physical Therapy
SEPAC-Special Education Parent Advisory Committee
SLD-Specific Learning Disability
TBI-Traumatic Brain Injury
VI-Visual Impairment
WIAT-Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
WISC-Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
WJ-Woodcock Johnson